%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> <% 'On Error Resume Next FileRootFolder = "C:\Inetpub\vhosts\4edu.ca\httpdocs\archives\english\ChalkTalk\" RootFolder = "/archives/english/ChalkTalk" Function ShowFolderTree() Dim oTree, html Set oTree = Server.CreateObject("obout_ASPTreeview_2.Tree") ' Root node is optional. You can delete this line. ' oTree.AddRootNode "Chalk Talk", true, "xpMyComp.gif" 'FOR HELP--> http://www.obout.com/t2/propadd.aspx ' Populate Treeview. Set oTree = ShowFileList(oTree, "root", "") oTree.FolderIcons = "tree2/icons" oTree.FolderScript = "tree2/script" oTree.FolderStyle = "tree2/style/Classic" oTree.KeepLastExpanded = 5 oTree.Width = "200px" 'Write treeview to your page. Response.Write oTree.HTML() Set oTree = Nothing End Function Function ShowFileList(ByRef objTree, ByVal nodeID, ByVal folderspec) Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Response.Write(folderspec) Set f = fso.GetFolder(FileRootFolder & folderspec) Set fc = f.Files Set ff = f.SubFolders CurFolder = RootFolder & Replace(folderspec , "\", "/") sortFF = FolderSort(ff) For i = 1 to UBound(sortFF) subNodeID = nodeID & "_" & i objTree.Add nodeID, subNodeID, sortFF(i), false Set objTree = ShowFileList(objTree, subNodeID, folderspec & "\" & sortFF(i)) Next sortFF = FilesSort(f) for i = 1 to UBound(sortFF) subNodeID = nodeID & "_" & i FileName = Replace(sortFF(i) , "-", " ") objTree.Add nodeID, subNodeID, "" & Mid(FileName, 1, instrRev(FileName, ".")-1) & "", , "page.gif" next Set ShowFileList = objTree End Function Function FolderSort(fold) fileCount = fold.count dim fNames() redim fNames(fileCount) cFcount = 0 for each file in fold cFcount = cFcount + 1 ' sept 24 09 ' fNames(cFcount) = lcase(file.name) fNames(cFcount) = file.name next for tName = 1 to fileCount for nName = (tName + 1) to fileCount ' sept 24 09 ' if strComp(fNames(tName),fNames(nName),0)=-1 then if strComp(fNames(tName),fNames(nName),0)=+ 1 then buffer = fNames(nName) fNames(nName) = fNames(tName) fNames(tName) = buffer end if next next FolderSort = fNames End Function Function FilesSort(fold) fileCount = fold.files.count dim fNames() redim fNames(fileCount) cFcount = 0 for each file in fold.files cFcount = cFcount + 1 fNames(cFcount) = lcase(file.name) next for tName = 1 to fileCount for nName = (tName + 1) to fileCount if strComp(fNames(tName),fNames(nName),0)=-1 then buffer = fNames(nName) fNames(nName) = fNames(tName) fNames(tName) = buffer end if next next FilesSort = fNames End Function %>
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CoEd Communications Inc. is a not-for-profit educational communications company, specializing in the production and promotion of free, quality, curriculum-based educational resource material for the Canadian school system. CoEd works in conjunction with Departments/Ministries of Education, school districts/boards, associations, teachers and subject specialists across the country.
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